Calls or Events


  • The lists below only display up to three items in each section. To view more, please check the calendar below.
  • The time on the calendar for all the calls and events is in the central time zone. Please refer to the event description for details.
  • The static monthly calendar displays both Chinese and American holidays (download the full calendar in PDF).

CALA Events

    • 03/31/2025
    Dear CALA members:
    The CALA Best Service Awards Subcommittee invites you to nominate candidates for the 2025 CALA Distinguished Service Award. The CALA Distinguished Service Award is given annually to an individual member who consistently demonstrates outstanding leadership and exemplary achievements in library and information services at national and/or international level. Nominees who have made significant contributions and services to CALA and the advancement of Chinese American librarianship will receive special consideration. This Award is one of the highest and long-standing recognitions given by the Association. All candidates will be evaluated equally regardless of age, gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or length of service to the profession. The nominee must be a current CALA member in good standing, and no individual member may receive the award more than once.
    The recipient of the CALA 2025 Distinguished Service Award will be announced by CALA President.  The recipient will receive an award certificate and $1000.
    The nomination package must be submitted in English, including:
    • Award cover sheet (attached)
    • A formal nomination letter from the nominator
    • 3-5 supporting letters
    • Candidate's CV
    • Samples of publications (no more than 5)
    • Awards and honors received
    • Leadership and achievement supporting documentation
    • Other supporting documentation
    Please submit the nomination package by March 31, 2025 by emailing the committee co-chairs. 
    CALA Best Service Awards Subcommittee

    Wenli Gao, co-chair,

    Hui-Fen Chang, co-chair,

    Jinxuan Ma,

    Li Sun.

    Ven Basco,

    Attachment: Awards Cover Sheet

    • 03/31/2025

    Dear CALA members:

    The CALA Best Service Awards Subcommittee invites you to nominate candidates for the 2025 CALA Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung.

    The CALA Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung is given annually to an individual CALA member who consistently demonstrates outstanding leadership and exemplary achievement in library and information services at the national and/or international level. Nominees, who have made significant contributions and services to CALA and the advancement of Chinese-American librarianship, will receive special consideration. This award is one of the highest and long-standing recognitions given by the Association. Candidates will all be evaluated equally regardless of age, gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or length of service to the profession. Nominees must be a current CALA member for at least three consecutive years. No individual member may receive the award more than once.

    The recipient of the CALA 2025 Outstanding Library Leadership Award in Memory of Dr. Margaret Chang Fung will be announced by CALA President.  The recipient will receive an award certificate and $1000.

    The nomination package must be submitted in English, including:

    • Award Cover Sheet

    • A formal nomination letter from the nominator
    • 3-5 supporting letters
    • Candidate's CV
    • Samples of publications (no more than 5)
    • Awards and honors received
    • Leadership and achievement supporting documentation
    • Other supporting documentation

    Please submit the nomination package by March 31, 2025. This year, we are piloting the award submission through a new system. Please submit your application here:


    CALA Best Service Awards Subcommittee

    Wenli Gao, co-chair,

    Hui-Fen Chang, co-chair,

    Jinxuan Ma,

    Li Sun.

    Ven Basco,

    • 03/31/2025
    • 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (CDT)

    Dear CALA Members,

    We are pleased to announce that the CALA Conference Travel Grant Subcommittee is now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 Conference Travel Grant. All current CALA members are encouraged to apply. Please note that a separate call will be made for the Chapter President Grant for attending the ALA Annual Conference.

    The purpose of this grant is to support CALA members in their professional development by enabling their active participation in the ALA Annual Conference, IFLA Annual Conference, and other library related conferences.

    This year, we are offering 10 grants for each of the following conferences:

    • 2025 ALA Annual Conference

    • 2025 IFLA Annual Conference

    • Other library-related conferences (excluding the ALA and IFLA Annual Conferences)

    Each grant recipient will receive $1,000 upon being awarded the grant. Following approval by CALA’s Executive Committee (EC) and the official announcement via the CALA listserv, recipients will receive their grant checks from the CALA Treasurer after attending the conference and submitting their conference reports.

    Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria

    To qualify for the grant, applicants must meet the following requirements:

    • Be a current CALA member in good standing.

    • Have served (including the application year) on a CALA or CALA chapter board, committee, or working group.

    • Priority 1: Applicants presenting at the conference will be given the highest priority.

    • Priority 2: Applicants serving as committee members or officers convening meetings will receive secondary consideration.

    • Additional Preference: Consideration will also be given to first-time attendees of ALA or IFLA conferences or applicants who never received a CALA travel grant before     .

    • All grant-related activities must take place between January 1, 2025, and December 31, 2025.

    Application Package Requirements

    Applicants must submit the following documents:

    1. A completed CALA Conference Travel Grant Application Form.

    2. A statement (maximum 500 words) describing the applicant’s need for the grant and the anticipated benefits of receiving it.

    3. Supporting documentation verifying the applicant’s professional or administrative responsibilities at the conference. Examples include a conference invitation letter, a presentation or paper acceptance letter, or a poster acceptance letter.

    4. An updated Curriculum Vitae (CV).

    Grant Recipient Obligations

    Grant recipients are required to:

    • Submit a one-page report on their conference experience to the CALA Travel Grant Subcommittee within one month of attending the conference.

    • Allow their grant reports to be posted on the CALA website and published in the CALA Newsletter.

    • Actively serve on a CALA committee, subcommittee, or task force during the following year.

    Application Deadline

    The deadline to apply for the Travel Grant is March 31, 2025. Recipients will be notified no later than May 10, 2025, following approval by the Executive Committee. The EC will issue an official announcement, and the CALA President will announce the recipients at the CALA Annual Conference. Please note that individuals may apply for only one type of grant.

    Submission Instructions

    Email your complete application package, including the Travel Grant Application Form and required documents, to the following:

    • Suzhen Chen, Co-Chair:

    • Ping Fu, Co-Chair:

    • Li Sun:

    • Yingqi Tang:

    • Ya Wang:

    Please include the name of the conference you plan to attend in the email subject line.

    We encourage all CALA members to take advantage of this opportunity to enhance their professional growth and contribute to our vibrant CALA community.

    CALA Conference Travel Grant Subcommittee

    • 03/31/2025
    • 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (CDT)

    Dear Chapter Presidents,

    We are pleased to announce that the CALA Conference Travel Grant Subcommittee is now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 CALA Chapter President Travel Grant. This grant is designed to support CALA chapter presidents in attending ALA Conferences.

    All current chapter presidents serving during the 2024-2025 term are eligible to apply. In cases where a chapter president cannot attend the ALA Conference, the chapter vice president may apply, provided they are delegated by the current chapter president.

    Each chapter is eligible for one award.

    Grant Details:

    • Each recipient will receive a grant of $1,000, which will be issued by the CALA Treasurer upon submission of a conference report.

    • The CALA Executive Committee will determine the final recipients based on the subcommittee’s recommendations.

    • Grant recipients will be announced in early May 2025 via the CALA listserv.

    Application Requirements:
    Applicants must submit a complete application package containing the following:

    1. Completed CALA 2024-2025 Travel Grant Application Form (attached).

    2. Updated Curriculum Vitae (CV).

    3. A statement outlining the applicant's needs and the benefits of receiving the grant.

    4. Supporting documentation demonstrating professional or administrative responsibility at the ALA Conference. Acceptable documents include:

      • A copy of the conference invitation or confirmation letter.

      • An acceptance letter for a presentation or poster.

      • A recommendation letter from the applicant’s supervisor, peer professional, or faculty advisor.

    5. For vice president applicants, a delegation letter from the current chapter president is required.

    Submission Instructions:
    Please email the completed Travel Grant Application Form and all required documents to the following committee members by March 31, 2025:

    We encourage all eligible CALA chapter presidents (and vice presidents, if applicable) to take advantage of this opportunity to attend ALA Conferences and advance their professional growth.

    CALA Conference Travel Grant Subcommittee

    • 03/31/2025
    • 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (CDT)


    The purpose of Sheila Suen Lai Research Grant (hereinafter ‘Lai’s Grant’) is to encourage CALA members to engage in research activities that contribute to the library and information science and are related to Chinese American Librarianship particularly.

    An award in the amount of $1,000 will be granted to the winner(s). Lai’s Grant may be used for conducting research projects, attending research-related conferences and workshops, conducting research workshops and programs, assisting in research writing, or other activities consistent with the general purpose of the award. Lai’s Grant shall not be used for personal use or for attending professional association conferences, such as ALA or CALA.

    The expectation of Grant Recipient:

    1. The award recipient shall receive an electronic certificate upon request after the award is announced
    2. The award recipient shall submit a final report to CALA’s Executive Director detailing the outcome and performance of the specific project within one month of the project completion.
    3. The award recipient shall participate in CALA activities, programs, and events actively.
    4. The award recipient shall be a CALA member for at least five consecutive years from the date of the award.
    5. The award recipient shall volunteer for CALA committees and taskforces.
    6. The monetary award shall be awarded after the awardee has fulfilled the required obligations.
    7. The award recipient shall contribute their time and talents to CALA.
    8. The award recipient shall acknowledge CALA’s support in their work (e.g., reports, presentations, articles, etc.)
    9. The award recipient shall present the project at the CALA annual meeting or chapter meetings.

    Eligible applicants for Lai’s Grant must:

    1. Be a current CALA member in good standing
    2. Have at least an MLS degree
    3. Be currently employed in a professional level position
    4. Have been a CALA member for at least one year prior to submitting an application
    5. Maintain CALA membership status throughout the duration of the use of the award
    6. Have not received any other CALA grant or award in the same year as the Lai’s Grant

    Proposal Statement:

    A good statement of the proposal should include:

    • Statement of the topic being investigated
    • Review of the relevant literature necessary to understand the proposal
    • Methodology (or research design) that used to answer the research questions (or the activities that involved accomplishing the goals)
    • Results expected and their significance to the area of study (or fields)
    • Timeline for the completion of the project 

    Review process:

    • Applications are screened by the CALA Best Research Award Subcommittee for completeness.
    • All applicants receive a notification.

    Evaluation criteria:

    The members of the award committee evaluate the application using the criteria list below. The review committee will consider the application holistically; not every point needs to be addressed, but applicants should be cognizant of these criteria for the purpose of crafting a competitive application:

    • Significance. Does the project address an important problem or a critical barrier to progress in the field? How timely is this research study in terms of topic, tools, or questions asked?
    • Investigator/researcher readiness. Is the researcher qualified/well suited to the project?
    • Innovation/Intellectual Merit. How solid is the methodology, theoretical framework, literature review of the research project?
    • Likelihood of Completion. Will the environment in which the work will be done contribute to the probability of success? Is the proposed project realistic?
    • Publishability/dissemination plan: Does this study meet the basic research standards for eventual publication in peer-reviewed journals or professional events?


    For application, please submit the following materials to the Best Research Award Subcommittee ( with “Sheila Suen Lai Research Grant” in the subject line and one single PDF document that contains the following information in the following order:

    1. A cover letter including a statement of your eligibility
    2. A proposal statement of intended research activities and plans (no more than five pages in length)
    3. A curriculum vitae
    4. Two (2) letters of reference attesting to the applicant’s research credentials

    Application Deadline: Monday March 31, 2025



    CALA Best Research Awards Subcommittee (2024-2025)

    Yali Feng (Co-Chair)

    Jinxuan Ma

    Wei Zhang (Co-chair)

    Meingjie Zou

    • 03/31/2025
    • 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (CDT)

    CALA Best Research Awards Subcommittee (2024-2025) now invites CALA members to submit their research works published between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024 for the competition of the 2025 CALA Jing Liao Award for the Best Research.

    Jing Liao (1954-2011), a long-time CALA member and a devoted and accomplished librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was a perfect exemplar of the pursuit of excellence in research and service in her career. Honoring the memory of Jing Liao, the establishment of this memorial fund encourages CALA members to achieve excellence in research relating to information science and library-related fields.

    CALA members in good standing for three consecutive years are eligible to apply for a $500 cash award.  

    *There is no supplemental travel fund available for the 2025 cycle. The winner is encouraged to apply for CALA CALA Conference Travel Grant if they wish to receive the award in person at the 2025 ALA/CALA Annual Conference (June 26–30, 2025 in Philadelphia, PA).

    CALA Best Research Awards Subcommittee (2024-2025) will use the Guidelines for Jing Liao Award Application and Selection below to evaluate the research works submitted by CALA members, and ensure a fair and transparent process. The CALA Jing Liao Award for the Best Research Committee is charged with the task of calling for applications and selecting a work that best fits the criteria for the award.

    Guidelines for Application:

    Qualified CALA members who are willing to apply for the Award should follow this new guideline for the competition:

    • A cash award in the amount of $500 will be granted to the author(s) of the winning publication;
    • Applicants must be CALA members in good standing for three (3) consecutive years, including the award year;
    • Applicants must demonstrate excellence in scholarly research by publishing works in any online or printed peer-reviewed publications, including books, book chapters, conference proceedings, e-journals, and Open Access journals, focusing on the fields of Library and Information Sciences.
    • Applicants may submit one work, in either English or Chinese, published in the previous year for consideration;
    • The first author of the research publication must not be a past recipient of the award.
    • If multiple authors are included for the submitted publication, the applicant must be the first author (primary project lead) and fulfills the requirement above.

    Selection Criteria:

    The following criteria will be used to evaluate and select the best research works received:

    • Scholarly value: This criterion explores which research work has demonstrated more creative ideas, new discoveries, deep influences, and innovative approaches to promote any type of Library and Information Science research.
    • Research focus: This criterion examines if the author has sufficient ability, experience, knowledge, and skills to deal with the addressed research subjects.
    • Range and scope of research: This criterion measures the extent and the range of the researcher’s perceptions and thoughts in his/her research work.
    • Methodology: This criterion examines if the researcher utilizes an effective methodology to generate accountable conclusions, such as the connection between the population and the sample for quantitative analysis.
    • Discovery: This criterion explores if the submitted research work has any new discoveries or suggestions different from other previous research in the same fields.
    • Influence: This criterion measures the potential implication or promotion for further studies in the related research fields.

    Application Package:

    A complete application must consist of the following documents:

    1. A short cover letter including a statement of your CALA membership history and current status;
    2. The full text of your publication, published between January 1 to December 31, 2024;
    3. A complete citation of your publication in Chicago, APA, or MLA style, including its DOI link or URL if available;
    4. A recent curriculum vitae.

    After the approval of the CALA executive board, the CALA Jing Liao Award for the Best Research will be announced in June 2025.

    How to apply:

    Please submit the application package as one single PDF document including all the required application documents to by Monday March 31, 2025.


    CALA Best Research Awards Subcommittee (2024-2025)

    Yali Feng (Co-Chair)

    Jinxuan Ma

    Wei Zhang (Co-chair)

    Meingjie Zou

    • 03/31/2025
    • 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (CDT)

    A.   Overview

    The purpose of the Sally C. Tseng Professional Development Grant is to support research and program related activities by CALA members. A grant in the amount of US$1,000 will be awarded annually to an INDIVIDUAL recipient or multiple recipients from the same project. Proposals must focus on program and research in library and information science with the goal of advancing the individual professional status, knowledge, and contributions to the community. Proposals will be evaluated by the criteria identified in these guidelines.

    B.   Eligibility

    • Applicants must be CALA members in good standing for three (3) consecutive years, including the award year.
    • The applicant must demonstrate an interest in library research and professional development by publishing a research paper or delivering a presentation at a conference, institute, or workshop sponsored by professional library organizations, such as the American Library Association, the Chinese American Librarians Association, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, the Library Society of China, or the Library Association of China.
    • A CALA member who has received the Tseng’s Grant must wait for five years before applying for the grant again.
    • Preference will be given to applicants who have never received the Tseng's Grant.

    C.     How to Apply

    The applicant should submit one (1) complete set of their application package electronically in PDF format to the Best Research Award Subcommittee ( with “Sally C. Tseng’s Professional Development Grant” in the subject.

    D.  Application Package

    A complete application package should be submitted in English and must include the following items:

    ·         Cover Letter –– A brief professional statement (350 words or less) explaining the applicant’s interest and background in library research and career goals, including the needs, goals, and objectives of the proposed research/project.

    ·         Budget.

    ·         Timetable for Completion.

    ·         Three letters of reference with name, title, institution, email address and signature.

    ·         A resume or curriculum vitae.

    The application package must be received by the Chairs via emails with all required attachments. Application materials will not be returned to applicants.

    E.   Deadline of Application

    The complete application package must be received no later than Monday March 31, 2025. Late and/or incomplete applications will NOT be accepted nor considered.

    F.   Funding Sources

    • Funding is derived from the dividends of the Sally C. Tseng Investment Fund which has been donated to CALA by the Tseng’s family and Sally’s friends that will be awarded to the best applicant in the amount of US$1,000.00 annually.
    • The Sally C. Tseng’s Professional Development Grant is coordinated by CALA Sally C. Tseng’s Professional Development Grant Subcommittee.
    • The Grant may be suspended in the case of no qualified applicant or in the case of economic recession that impacts the Tseng's Investment Fund which has been invested in a mutual fund account.

    G.   Funding Period

    One year, July – June.

    H.  Notification

    • The Chair or Co-Chairs of the Sally C. Tseng Professional Development Grant Subcommittee will notify the successful applicant in May prior to the ALA Annual Conference.
    • The recipient will be announced on the CALA listserv, CALA Newsletter, and CALA Web, and CALA social media.
    • The successful recipient will be asked to submit a photograph to be used in Grant publicity.
    • The Sally C. Tseng Professional Development Grant will be awarded at the CALA Awards Banquet during the ALA Annual Conference.

    I.    CALA Award Banquet and Report

    • The successful recipient will be invited to the CALA Annual Awards Banquet by the CALA President when the Grant will be presented to the recipient during the ALA annual conference.
    • The Tseng’s Grant recipient is required to submit a written report to the CALA Executive Director and Sally C. Tseng before the next ALA Annual Conference.  

    J.    Refund

    In case the terms of the grant are violated, the grant will be rescinded, and the recipient will be required to return the fund in full to the Tseng’s Investment Fund Account in CALA.

    Any inquiries and questions can be sent to


    CALA Best Research Awards Subcommittee (2024-2025)

    Yali Feng (Co-Chair)

    Jinxuan Ma

    Wei Zhang (Co-chair)

    Meingjie Zou

Past events

03/07/2025 Call for Proposals: 2025 CALA Midwest Chapter Annual Conference
03/07/2025 Call for Proposals: CALA Northeast Chapter Annual Conference
03/07/2025 Call for CALA Poster Proposals: Strengthening Libraries in a Changing World
12/10/2024 2024-25 Mid-Year (interim) Report (due by 12/30/2024) (login is required)
11/15/2024 CALA Newsletter - Call for contributions (due by 11/15/2024)
07/01/2024 CALA Events (cont.) at ALA Annual Conference and Exhibits in San Diego
06/30/2024 ALA/CALA Annual Conference Banquet in San Diego
06/30/2024 CALA Events at ALA 2024 Annual Conference & Exhibition in San Diego
05/14/2024 A Conversation with Chee Wang Ng and Mae Ngai, Co-Editors of "Corky Lee's Asian America: Fifty Years of Photographic Justice
04/30/2024 2024 CALA Poster Session Call for Proposals
03/31/2024 Call for Chapter Presidents' applications for the CALA Conference Travel Grant
03/17/2024 Call for Nominations: CALA 2023-2024 Outstanding Library Leadership Award
03/17/2024 Call for Nominations: CALA 2023-2024 Distinguished Service Award
03/15/2024 2024 CALA Best Book Award: Call for Nominations 美国华人图书馆员协会2024最佳图书奖提名征集
03/15/2024 Sally C. Tseng’s Professional Development Grant 2023-2024
01/20/2024 CALA Meet & Greet Social at the ALA LibLearnX in Baltimore
01/12/2024 A Library Leaders Virtual Panel Discussion
12/07/2023 Call for Proposal: CALA Canada Annual Conference 2024
12/07/2023 CALASYS call for contributions
11/13/2023 Call for running the positions for the 2024 CALA general election
09/15/2023 CALA/REFORMA Webinar: The Chinese Experiences in Latin America Presented by Laura De Moya-Guerra
06/24/2023 CALA Midwest Chapter Annual Program
06/24/2023 CALA 50th Anniversary Social & Poster
06/24/2023 CALA President’s Program 2023
06/20/2023 CALA Virtual Membership Meeting & Award Ceremony (on Kumospace)
06/13/2023 CALA Board of Directors Meeting III
05/19/2023 2023 CALA Southeast and Southwest Chapters Annual Virtual Conference
03/31/2023 The 50th Anniversary CALA Virtual Gathering
01/31/2023 CALA Canada Chapter conference
01/20/2023 CALA Virtual Membership Meeting
01/18/2023 CALA Board of Directors Meeting II
01/18/2023 Call for Applications - 2023 IFLA Registration Grant
01/18/2023 2022-2023 CALA Chapter President Travel Grant
01/04/2023 Call for applications for the 2022-2023 CALA Conference Travel Grant
12/10/2022 CALA Northeast Chapter meeting
09/26/2022 Call for Papers (IJoL) - Pathways to Library Leadership

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Copyright © 2008-2025 CALA. All Rights Reserved.

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