CALA President’s Recognition Award

Launched in 1991, the nominee of the CALA President’s Recognition Award is selected and nominated by the current CALA President. The current CALA President shall make his/her recommendation and will send a formal letter of nomination together with the nominee’s biographical sketch to the CALA Awards Committee before March 31 each year.

The nomination package should include the following items:

  1. formal nomination letter from the current CALA President;
  2. nominee’s vita or biographical sketch; and
  3. other supporting documentation

The Committee will review and evaluate, based on the Criteria below, the nominee(s)’ background, contributions and qualifications. If the nominee(s) meet(s) the Guidelines and criteria, the Committee will notify the president and will forward the recommendation to the CALA Executive Board for approval. After receiving approval by the Executive Board, the President will send the nomination to the CALA Board of Directors for approval. The CALA President will announce the successful recipient(s) of the CALA President’s Recognition Award on the CALA list, the CALA Newsletter, and other appropriate professional publications.

The award consists of a citation and a plaque. The recipient(s) will be honored at the CALA Awards Banquet during the ALA Annual Conference.

No CALA President’s Recognition Award shall be presented if there is no qualified candidate or if there is no nomination during the year.

Criteria of the CALA President’s Recognition Award:

  • The CALA President’s Recognition Award is intended to recognize and to honor an individual, group or organization who possesses a philosophy of dedication, quality of service, and professional integrity for his/her/their significant contributions to the library community that have shown leadership in one of the many areas of great importance to the mission and goals of CALA. Significant contributions and services to the advancement of Chinese-American librarianship shall receive special consideration from the Awards Committee.
  • There shall be no special consideration for or against a candidate’s age, gender, nationality, or length of service to the profession. The recipients need not be a member of the Association.

The nomination package with attachments shall be sent to the CALA Awards Committee by CALA President via e-mail or by mail.

The deadline date of nomination is: March 31 of each year.


Past Recipients

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