CALA 50th Anniversary Celebration

ALA Tribute Resolution Recognizing the Chinese American Librarians Association’s 50th Anniversary

American Library Association (ALA) Tribute Resolution recognizing CALA's 50th anniversary. The resolution was shared in the 2023 ALA Council meeting at ALA LibLearnX Conference in New Orleans. The attached photo shows that Lessa Pelayo-Lozada, 2022-23 ALA President, shared this tribute at the conference. 

Virtual Celebration

The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) 50th Anniversary Virtual Celebration highlights its 50th anniversary projects and showcases a short video celebrating this occasion. It's hosted by the CALA 2022-2023 President Ray Pun and attended by many CALA members, ALA leaders, sponsors, and guests. This is an edited edition of the virtual celebration for copyright compliance. (Watch the virtual celebration video)

Video Celebration

The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA)'s 50th Anniversary Video Celebration, featuring CALA members as well as ALA leaders' greetings and their experiences with CALA. (watch the video)

50th Anniversary Collection

50th Anniversary Fundraising Campaign

CALA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (website:

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