30th-Year Commemorative Book (1973 - 2003)

Chinese American Librarians Association




架起中美文化的橋梁— 華人圖書館員協會回眸三十年,


edited by

Zhijia Shen, Liana Hong Zhou, Karen T. Wei

Guangxi Normal University Press

Guilin China


A history of American Chinese Librarians Association, this book highlights leading and pioneering Chinese American librarians, features CALA award winners and major articles from annual programs. This book is a must for library’s cultural diversity collection and for the study of Chinese Americans.

Table of Content

Tze-chung Li

Preface and Acknowledgements
Zhijia Shen, Liana Zhou, Karen Wei

CALA Presidents’ Message: In Perspective and Vision
Amy Tsiang & Shixing Wen

CALA Executive Director’s Message: CALA: a Dynamic Professional Association Built on Dedicated Volunteer Spirits
Sally Tseng

Happy 30th Birthday to CALA!
—Congratulatory letters from other organizations

Part One: Leading and Pioneering Chinese American Librarians

Lois Mai Chan: a Great Mind in Knowledge Organization and Access
Mengxiong Liu

Ching-chih Chen: a Shining Star and Model of Chinese American Library and Information Science Professionals
Hwa-Wei Lee

A. Kai-ming Chiu and the Harvard-Yenching Library
Eugene Wu

Innovative Leader and Energetic Professional: Bessie K. Hahn
Susan Xue

Thomas C. Kuo: a Scholar and Librarian
Agnes Wen

Hwa-Wei Lee: Pride and Role Model of Librarians
Rush Miller and Zhijia Shen

Tze-Chung Li: a Devoted and Sincere Professor
Kuang-Guo Ho
Translated by Susan Xue

Karl Lo: Blazing the Path to Bring Technology to East Asian Libraries
Zhijia Shen

CALA and I
Amy D. Seetoo

Sally C. Tseng: the Consummate Professional
Sha-Li Zhang

Tsuen-Tsuin Tsien: Portrait of a Lifetime Achiever
Yuan Zhou

James Shik-kang Tung (1911-1982): Curator, Gest Oriental Library and East Asian Collections, Princeton University, 1952-1977
Tai-loi Ma

“Let Books Always Be There for Those Who Need and Care:” Weiying Wan and His Distinguished Career in East Asian Librarianship
Yuan Zhou

Andrew Wang: Reaching out to the World
Liana Zhou

Eugene Wu: a Pioneer, Leader, and Scholar-Librarian
Karen T. Wei

Tung-li Yuan (1895-1965): Founding Father of National Library of China and Cultural Communicator between the West and China
Tsing Yuan

My CALA Stories: Recollections of CALA Past Presidents

Part Two: Bridging Cultures

Brief History of CALA and the Status of Chinese Americans in Librarianship
Liu Mengxiong

Recipients of CALA Distinguished Service and President’s Recognition Awards
Sally Tseng

Thirty Years of Publications in Review
Amy D. Seetoo

JLIS: Past, Present, and Future
Chen-Ku Wang

Leadership Development and Coalition Building
Hwa-Wei Lee

The Development of Global Partnerships: the University of Pittsburgh Experience
Rush G. Miller

Enriching Chinese Cultural Heritage at the Queens Library
Gary E. Strong

Building Bridges and Strengthening Ties: Collaborating with Non-Profit Organizations to Promote Global Librarianship
Haipeng Li

Asian American and Chinese American Librarians: Their Impact on the Profession and on Their Communities
Joe Zhou

Brief Analysis of CALA Member Status
Lisa Zhao


Haihui Zhang


  1. Chinese American Librarians Association Constitutions
  2. Chinese American Librarians Association Bylaws
  3. CALA organizational structure and chapter’s history
  4. List of CALA and CALA chapter presidents
  5. List of CALA committees
  6. Chronology

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