Strategic Plan (2020-2025)

Developed by the 2025 Strategic Plan Task Force (2019-2020)

Approved by the Board of Directors (2019-2020) on June 29, 2020

History of the Planning Process

To continue moving CALA forward, Fu Zhuo, CALA president 2019-2020, appointed CALA 2020-2025 Strategic Plan task force at the beginning of 2020. Taskforce members met and set up timelines and questions for town hall meetings. The five online town hall meetings, held from February 20, 2020 to April 30, 2020, attracted 72 CALA members to attend online. The town hall meetings focused on eight questions regarding CALA’s mission vision statement and what CALA can do for members. The draft strategic plan received comments from the strategic plan task force members, CALA Executive Committee, CALA Board, and was approved by the board during the board meeting on June 29, 2020.

CALA 2020-2025 Strategic Plan

(PDF version)

The CALA 2020-2025 strategic plan will focus on six strategic areas that maximize strengths, utilize expertise, sharpen skills, deliver high value to members, and heighten the association’s far-reaching impact on CALA and the LIS field:

1. Increase Membership Recruitment, Retention, and Engagement

2. Conduct Leadership Training and Career Development

3. Provide Professional Development Opportunities through Training and Mentoring

4. Support Local Chapter Development

5. Offer Professional Networking through Digital Technologies

6. Make CALA’s Impact on Local, State, National, and International Levels

To effectively implement the strategic plan, CALA’s financial and operational practices will prioritize and support these six strategic areas. These strategic areas will also guide CALA to develop and launch quality programs and services that aim at inclusive member recruitment and engagement, leadership training and development, local chapter development, professional development opportunities, professional networking and connections, and advocacy.

Mission Statement

To support the professional development and research scholarship of CALA members, advocate Chinese American librarians in professional organizations and enhance the leadership development of Chinese American librarians through training, mentoring, networking, and collaboration with colleagues in the United States and abroad. CALA’s work inspires Chinese American librarians to meet their professional goals and to make valuable contributions to the global library community.

Vision Statement

CALA is an inclusive, diverse, and member-driven community which provides members with the opportunities to share knowledge and achieve their professional aspirations by providing support for research, leadership, and scholarship. CALA members are key collaborators, contributors, and leaders advancing the field of librarianship globally.

Core Organizational Values

CALA is committed to:

  • professionalism
  • advocacy
  • collaborative leadership
  • positive, open, and inclusive environments
  • accountability, transparency and integrity
  • service to members
  • continuous learning
  • global perspectives


In order to maintain compliance and achieve success, as a registered non-profit organization in Illinois, CALA must adhere to mandates required by state (i.e., the Illinois Secretary of State and Attorney General) and federal laws (i.e., the IRS).

Five-Year Goals and Objectives

1. Increase Membership Recruitment, Retention, and Engagement

Goal: Identify and develop creative and innovative programs and services to recruit, retain, and engage members locally, nationally, and internationally.


1) Continue to be an inclusive librarians association that welcomes and values diversity, and opens its membership to all library professionals who are interested in the mission and vision of CALA.

2) Advocate CALA's strengths and highlight CALA’s distinctiveness from other library associations in mission and membership recruitment.

3) Enhance communications among CALA members, using digital technologies to recognize member achievements and share member expertise and resources.

4) Set a specific target number for membership recruitment. Explore a variety of channels to bring in library professionals and supporters from all type of libraries, LIS schools, and library related business organizations.

5) Publicize local activities and engage members locally or through online presence.

6) Connect members to develop a sense of belonging in CALA, regardless of age, experience, and background; engage members and provide services to develop a community in which members can obtain guidance for various professional needs.

2. Conduct Leadership Training and Career Development

Goal: Develop and deliver effective leadership training and career development programs through CALA’s program or other leadership programs to sharpen members’ leadership skills in the 21st century.


1) Provide leadership development opportunities tailored to the needs of CALA members.

2) Provide support for CALA leaders to attend leadership training programs, such as Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians and ALA Leadership Institute.

3) Identify, cultivate, coach, and train CALA members to become future leaders in the Library and Information Science field in the 21st Century, including associations such as the ALA, IFLA, and Library Society of China.

4) Empower and encourage members to develop leadership skills in a diverse cultural environment by serving CALA members in leadership positions and working in different types of libraries and with a diverse team setting.

5) Assess, evaluate, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of CALA committee operations and leadership management.

6) Increase the role that CALA plays as an advocate and model for leadership training and development of librarians of color in achieving, evaluating, and measuring CALA program/initiative outcomes; and influence ALA leadership policies and practices toward a more inclusive system.

3. Provide Professional Development Opportunities through Training and Mentoring

Goal: Serve as a significant professional development platform to meet its members’ dynamic professional needs and nurture growth.


1) Leverage and expand existing professional training and mentoring programs within and beyond CALA.

2) Develop and deliver responsive professional development programs that build skills and aptitude based on members’ specific needs, such as research and scholarship.

3) Continuously assess and improve all programs, including the mentoring program for new members and new leaders, as well as programs for returning members and leaders.

4) Develop a long term plan to provide and share resources on professional development for members.

4. Support Local Chapter Development

Goal: Enhance local chapter development through joint programming and funding, chapter leader training and support, and chapter member recognition.


1) Invest more financial resources at the chapter level and provide funding support through national membership rebate programs, joint initiatives, membership recruitment and retention, and fundraising.

2) Foster collaborations among chapters by providing opportunities to host joint training or online conferences.

3) Improve and maintain communication and training between the CALA national office and the chapter offices to improve chapter leadership skills, capacity, and accountability in order to lead and manage chapter business.

4) Provide professional development opportunities to help members establish networking and mentorships within each chapter. Coordinate training and succession planning for chapter leaders.

5) Strengthen connections between chapters and other associations at a national level.

5. Offer Professional Networking through Digital Technologies

Goal: Inspire CALA members to learn from each other, network, and connect on a large scale with a global perspective through digital technologies.


1) Promote CALA as a “hub” for members to meet virtually and/or in person.

2) Identify and support digital technologies and partnerships that will enhance the professional networking and connection opportunities of CALA members.

3) Connect CALA members with library colleagues in China and other regions.

6. Make CALA’s Impact on Local, State, National, and International Levels

Goal: Collaborate with members, leaders and other partners/organizations to increase CALA’s impact on local, state, national, and international levels to support equity, diversity and inclusion.


1) Preserve and promote Chinese and Chinese American culture and librarianship in collaboration with professionals in China and other regions.

2) Support research programs that demonstrate the value of Chinese American librarians and the role of CALA members in the LIS field.

3) Establish closer relationships and collaborations with other organizations, including National Associations of Librarians of Color affiliated with the ALA and IFLA, to advocate equity, diversity, inclusion and social justice issues, and to promote CALA locally, nationally and internationally.

4) Build a strong international profile and develop a global outreach strategy.

Implementation Plan

CALA president will select a theme each year based on the strategic plan, and CALA EC, board, and committees will focus their work to implement the plan. Attainable and measurable milestones will be established under the president’s leadership. We will strive for making CALA a better and stronger organization in search of excellence.

The CALA 2025 Strategic Plan Task Force

Wenli Gao (Co-chair)

Lian Ruan (Co-chair)

Qi Chen 

Ping Fu 

Jianye He 

Leping He

Michael Huang 

Grace Liu 

Katherina Lee 

Weiling Liu 

Yuan Li 

Wen Nie Ng 

Ray Pun 

Min Tong

Lucy Wang 

Daniel Xiao 

Hong Yao 

Kwong, Vincci 

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