2024 CALA Poster Session Call for Proposals

  • 04/30/2024
  • 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM

Session Description: Heading to ALA Annual Conference in San Diego, CA? Consider presenting a poster! The CALA poster session provides a dynamic and interactive platform for CALA members to showcase, discuss, and share research findings, work in progress, examples of best practices, innovative services, and community development in an informal scholarly setting. An opportunity for researchers at various career stages including students, early-career researchers, and professionals.

Location:ALA Annual Conference at San Diego, CA, Room TBD

Date/Time:June 30, 2024 Sunday, 2 – 2:30 PM Local Time  

Selection Criteria: Poster session proposals will be evaluated by the CALA Annual Conference Program Planning Committee using the following criteria:

1. Title and Headings

  • Does the title accurately reflect the content?
  • Does it align with the overall theme or topic of the event or conference?
  • Does it clear, compelling, and help guide viewers through the content?

2. Content Quality

  • Is the information presented in a clear, concise, and easily understandable manner?
  • Is the information accuracy, relevance of data, and depth of research or analysis presented?
  • If the poster appropriately cites sources and references?

3. Organization & Visual Appeal

  •  Is the information logically arranged, with a clear flow from one section to another?
  • Are the graphics, images, and design elements attractive?
  • Does the poster encourage viewer interaction using QR codes, multimedia content, or opportunities for questions, which can enhance engagement?

4. Originality & Innovation

  • Is the research originally introducing something new and valuable, addressing gaps in knowledge or providing novel perspectives?
  •  Does the poster introduce new research techniques, tools, or approaches that can set the study apart?
  • Does the research formulated novel hypotheses or asks innovative questions can lead to unique and original findings?

5. Contribution to the Field

  •  Does the project or research add new insights, offer solutions, or present value findings in contributing to the  broader field of study?
  • If the poster includes practical implications or applications of the presented work?
  • Can it be generalized to other libraries, or other fields and disciplines?


Please submit your poster proposal to the Google Form here.

Proposals are due on April 30. 2024 (Tuesday) at 11:59pm.

Acceptance will be notified no later than May 8 (Wednesday). If accepted, you will need to bring a physical poster to present.



On behalf of CALA 2024 Annual Conference Planning Committee

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