2022-2023 CALA Chapter President Travel Grant

  • 01/18/2023
  • 03/31/2023
  • Application Deadline: 3/31/2023

Dear Chapter presidents and vice presidents:

The CALA Conference Travel Grant Subcommittee is pleased to announce that the 2022-2023 CALA Chapter President Travel Grant is available for application. This grant supports applicants to attend ALA Conferences only. All current (2022-2023) presidents or vice presidents of any CALA chapters are eligible for this grant. Each recipient will receive a check for $300 from CALA Treasurer. The CALA's Executive Committee will approve the recommendations made by the subcommittee and announce the final recipients to the CALA listserv in early May.

The complete application packet, including

(1)  A completed CALA 2022-2023 Chapter President Travel Grant Application Form (See attached blank form)

(2)  An updated CV,

(3)  A statement outlining the needs and benefits of the grant, and

(4) Supporting documentation that denotes the applicant's assigned professional or administrative responsibility at the ALA conference: a copy of the conference invitation or confirmation letter, an abstract of a presentation or a poster, or a recommendation letter from the attendee’s supervisor, peer professional, or faculty adviser.

Application Deadline: March 31, 2023. Announcement of the final recipients will be made by the committee no later than May 10, 2023

A complete Travel Grant Application Form and required documents should be sent via email by March 31, 2023, to: 

Ping Fu, ping.fu.cwu@gmail.com

Hong Li, hongli@towson.edu

Ya Wang, wangy@sfsu.edu


CALA Conference Travel Grant Subcommittee (2022-2023)  

Ping Fu, ping.fu.cwu@gmail.com (Chair)

Hong Li, hongli@towson.edu

Ya Wang, wangy@sfsu.edu

CALA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (website: https://cala-web.org)

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