2023 CALA Best Book Award: Call for Nominations


2023 Recipients

Books must be published between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022

所提名的图书必须在 2022 年 1 月 1 日至 2022 年 12 月 31 日期间出版
Nomination deadline: April 1, 2023
Postmark deadline for nominated books: May 1, 2023

点此提交 Nomination Form

The annual CALA Best Book Award recognizes outstanding books, published in English or Chinese, which exhibit excellence in addressing China, Chinese, people of Chinese origin or Chinese cultural heritage and written by Chinese authors or authors of Chinese descent. The Award is to raise awareness of these topics and authors in North America.

The Committee will select nominated books in the following categories:
  • Adult books, fiction 成人读物、小说类
  • Adult books, non-fiction 成人读物,非小说类
  • Young adult books, fiction (ages 12 - 18) 青少年、小说类(12-18岁)
  • Young adult books, non-fiction (ages 12-18) 青少年读物,非小说类(12-18岁)
  • Children’s books, fiction (ages 11 and under) 儿童读物,小说类(11岁及以下)
  • Children’s books, non-fiction (ages 11 and under) 儿童读物,非小说类(11岁及以下)
The winner(s) will be announced before the advance registration deadline for the 2023 ALA/CALA Annual conference. Each award author(s) will receive an award certificate at CALA Annual Award Banquet in June during the 2023 ALA/CALA Annual conference.
获奖者将在2022年ALA/CALA 年会的提前注册截止日期之前公布。每位获奖者将在6月的2022年ALA/CALA 年会期间的CALA年度颁奖晚宴上获得获奖证书。

If there are not any books meeting the criteria, award(s) will not be given.

Eligibility 资质

Eligible Works 符合条件的作品

  • Related to Chinese cultural heritage or topics about China, Chinese, people of Chinese origin or Chinese cultural heritage, and written by Chinese authors or authors of Chinese descent.
  • Published between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022 by a publishing house, trade or small press/publisher located in North America or one of its territories for general commercial release in the United States and North America regions. Self-published works and exclusively internet publications may also be considered by the committee.
    在 2022 年 1 月 1 日至 2022 年 12 月 31日期间由位于北美国家及所属地区的出版社出版,并在美国及北美发行的商用版本。自行出版的作品和专门出版的互联网出版物也可以由委员会审议。
  • Written in Chinese, English or bilingual. This requirement does not limit the use of words or phrases in non-Chinese and non-English languages where appropriate in context. Translations of original works may be considered.
  • Works that have previously won other prizes or recognitions are eligible.

Ineligible Works 不符合条件的作品

  • Anthologies by more than one author.
  • Reprints of books originally published prior to the current award year.
In the event of a dispute over eligibility, the Award Committee will decide whether a book is eligible, and its decision will be binding.

Evaluation Criteria 评选标准

  • Overall Strengths: Value and influence: Implications or potential force of a work. True to cultural norms and sensitive to stereotypical depiction.
  • Adult books, Fiction: Flow of the narrative compelling and appealing
  • Adult books, Non-fiction: Information accurate, authentic and riveting
  • Young Adult books (ages 12-18), Fiction: Story unique, plot & characters well developed with reasonable growth
  • Young Adult books (ages 12-18), Non-fiction: Information accurate & stimulating, language & tone accessible, engaging & age appropriate
  • Children’s books (ages 11 and under), Fiction: Presentation convincing, appealing, demonstrating creativity & imagination
  • Children’s books (ages 11 and under), Non-fiction: Information accurate & stimulating, language & tone accessible, engaging & age appropriate
  • Other feedback as reference: the feedback from different channels, such as print trade publications, online bookstores, online book reviews, etc.
The Award Committee will combine these criteria and select the winner(s).

Submission Process 提交流程

  • Entries may be submitted by an author, publisher, agent, publicist or any individual.
  • Nominations must be submitted through the Best Book Award Nomination Form by March 1, 2023.
  • An author, publisher, publicist, agent or individual may submit more than one entry per author, but not more than one entry per book.
  • It is encouraged to mail books of entry to the Best Book Award Committee, with three copies, one copy each to committee members. All nominated books must be postmarked by May 1, 2023. Please send books as early as possible. The Award Committee is not obligated to consider books with a postmark after May 1, 2023. Book packages must be clearly marked with "CALA Best Book Award.”
    鼓励将参赛作品邮寄给最佳图书奖委员会,共三本,每位委员会成员一本。所有提名图书必须在 2023 年 5 月 1 日之前加盖邮戳寄出。请尽早寄出书籍。委员会将不会考虑邮戳在2022年5月1日之后的书籍。书籍包裹必须清楚地标有"CALA最佳图书奖"。
  • Electronic books are also acceptable.
  • Upon receiving an entry, the Award Committee will notify the submitter via email. The Award Committee is not responsible for lost submissions.
Please mail or email books of entry to the following address:
Jen Woo
100 Larkin Street
6th floor, Community Partnerships and Programs
San Francisco, CA 94102
Sai Deng
10564 Angler Ct.
Orlando, FL 32825
Wei Zhang
265 Fair St
Ontario L9K 0B9
If you have any questions, please email Jen Woo, jennifer.woo@sfpl.org, Wei Zhang, zhangw94@mcmaster.ca, or Sai Deng, Sai.Deng@ucf.edu.

Please visit CALA Annual Best Book Award to learn more about the award.

Thank you for considering.

CALA Best Book Award Committee
Jen Woo, chair
Sai Deng, member
Wei Zhang, member

CALA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (website: https://cala-web.org)

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