2024 CALA Scholarship Awards Announcement

06/06/2024 12:36 PM | Anonymous

The CALA Scholarship Subcommittee would like to announce the 2024 CALA Scholarship Awards as below:

1. The CALA Scholarship of Library and Information Science, $1,000: one student

  • Elaine Wei San Kong (江慧珊) from University of Pittsburgh - Ph.D. student in Library and Information Science

2. Sage and JCLC NALCo LIS Student Scholarship for CALA (The Sage & JCLC Inc. NALCo LIS Student Scholar Program): two students, $1000 each

  • Luming Zhang from University of Washington - MS student in Library and Information Science
  • Caroline Chow from San José State University - Masters of Library and Information Science graduate student

3. The Sheila Suen Lai Scholarship of Library and Information Science, $500: one student

  • Hiu Wing (Ann) Sze 施曉穎 from Western University (University of Western Ontario), London, ON, Canada - Masters of Library and Information Science graduate student

4. Huang Tso-ping & Wu Yao-yu Research & Scholarship (for faculty and students at Wuhan University, China)

  • Faculty: Ying Huang (黄颖)
  • Students: Yiren Zhang (张逸人) and Wei Feng (冯薇)

Congratulations to all award recipients!

CALA Scholarship Subcommittee (scholarship@cala-web.org)

Hui-Fen Chang, Co-chair

Clara Tran, Co-chair

Katherina Lee

Yanli Li

Wei Zakharov

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